- WebSocket disabled in Firefox 4
- Disabling the WebSocket protocol in Opera
- WebSockets in the tempest zone for security issues
- Is Chrome 4 the next IE 6?
- WebSockets, we are the first
- Amazon proves that REST doesn’t matter for Cloud APIs
- steps toward the glory of REST
- RESTful architecture: what should we PUT?
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Snapshot 2010
- The fifth position
About the support of CSS
position: fixed
in mobile browsers. - Pure CSS3 box-shadow page curl effect
- CSS Image Values Module by Tab Atkins and the CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 3
- BCP 47 Unicode Locale Extension
- Comparison table of Emoji characters across Japanese operators. They have been since introduced in Unicode 6.
- Encodings: ISO-8859-1 and Internet Explorer
- Encodings: US-ASCII and ISO-8859-*
- Introduction to SVG: Course Description in January 2011
Web Standards
- In praise of Internet Explorer 6
- Glossary of W3C Jargon
- Six things I’ve learned about web development working at the Guardian
- Contacts API, W3C Working Draft 09 December 2010
HTML5 et Web Apps
- a simple HTML5 RDFa Example *HTML5 Elements Periodic Tables
- Webkit - Implement HTML5 hidden attribute
- Navigation Timing W3C Working Draft 7 December 2010 - an interface for web applications to access timing information related to navigation and elements.
- A proposal to add web application access to home network A/V devices and content
- HTML5 Canvas API implementation of the AS3 BitmapData class.
- Video and Mime Type
- HTML5 Canvas Tutorial
- A New Crankshaft for V8
- JavaScript for PHP Developers
- How to Process Large Volumes of Data in JavaScript
- The Anatomy of a JavaScript Design Pattern
- Bytecode Standard in Web browsers
- Future of Javascript or not, discussion around CoffeeScript and Javascript by Brendan, Sam, and Jeremy.
- IE9 and Privacy: Introducing Tracking Protection
- Initial thoughts on Microsoft’s IE9 Tracking Protection Announcement
Linked Data - Semantic Web
- Linked Open Data star badges fear the decorated pages.
- Back to Basics with Linked Data and HTTP
- CSV to RDF
Experimental Stuff
- Download a Nightly Webkit and Go to this demo page with furigana and vertical layout. (Click in the page)
- Audio page with Firefox b6 or b7
- Demo of Audio and visualization with Firefox >= b7
- New Opera Addons Web site and extensions
- The Link API now with Search Engines, URL Filter, JSON and XML encoded input, method for importing structured data, Basic ETag support.
- Opera’s test and build system See also Mozilla’s Build System
- How are Opera Mini widgets different?
- Developing Opera Mobile for Android “Android only runs applications written in Java and converted for Dalvik virtual machine.”, “Opera is written in C++”, “how can we make a C++ program run on Android?”
- Implemented in Opera Presto 2.7, Core Milestone 65 of December 2, 2010. Plenty of new stuff with regards to forms, etc.
- From the Opera Desktop Team, Extension improvements, updates to Core and some other nice fixes on Opera 11.
- Opera Mini and Mobile Orientation Switching
- Discovering Opera XML Store but not sure it is really working and the associated widget