otsukare Thoughts after a day of work

Formatted console.log lines. Stacktraces export wish.

Firefox Devtools console.log lines

When we select the console.log lines in Firefox devtools, and cut and paste in an editor, there are newline characters added to the output.

For example it looks like this:

pointerdown { target: svg.flickity-button-icon
, buttons: 1, clientX: 363, clientY: 450, layerX: 5, layerY: 15 }
pointerup { target: svg.flickity-button-icon
, buttons: 0, clientX: 363, clientY: 450, layerX: 5, layerY: 15 }
mousedown { target: svg.flickity-button-icon
, buttons: 0, clientX: 363, clientY: 450, layerX: 5, layerY: 15 }
click { target: svg.flickity-button-icon
, buttons: 0, clientX: 363, clientY: 450, layerX: 5, layerY: 15 }

What I often do is that I put them in vscode where I search


and replace in regex mode with:

* `$1 $2 $3`

to get this, ready to be copied in a comment in github.

* `pointerdown { target: svg.flickity-button-icon , buttons: 1, clientX: 363, clientY: 450, layerX: 5, layerY: 15 } flickity2.js:1:5293`
* `pointerup { target: svg.flickity-button-icon , buttons: 0, clientX: 363, clientY: 450, layerX: 5, layerY: 15 } flickity2.js:1:5293`
* `mousedown { target: svg.flickity-button-icon , buttons: 0, clientX: 363, clientY: 450, layerX: 5, layerY: 15 } xgemius.js:1030:60`
* `click { target: svg.flickity-button-icon , buttons: 0, clientX: 363, clientY: 450, layerX: 5, layerY: 15 } flickity2.js:1:5293`

Compare exported stack traces

Silly idea of the day. This is not available right now in devtools, but I wish it was.

  1. Put two breakpoints in devtools.
  2. Run the code as record stacktrace in between these two targets
  3. export the stack trace as a json in a standard format in between these two breakpoints (do the same thing in another browser)
  4. Have a diff tool giving the possibility to explore the differences in between the two stack traces.
